Limited appointments on site
you will use your car rather than riding in ours
6′ distancing on the property
we will wear masks Hand sanitizer on site
Bring your own pen if you like, or take one of ours
Our clients are family
Let us know if there is any other way we can make you feel safe
Our thoughts are with everyone who experienced loss during this pandemic
With Exposure + With Symptoms:
If young (<60 years old), with no other illnesses and mild symptoms: Conduct home quarantine.
If elderly (>60 years old), with other illnesses and/or severe symptoms: Proceed to the Emergency Room for assessment.
With Exposure + No Symptoms:
Conduct home quarantine for 14 days and monitor symptoms.
Should symptoms start to develop, proceed to the Emergency Room for assessment.
No Exposure + With Symptoms:
Manage symptoms accordingly. Proceed to the Emergency Room for assessment.